
Join us on the 25th and 26th of June from 7:00 PM to 9:15 PM for a captivating journey through Hamlet’s inner battles, featuring stunning costumes, brilliant acting, and the finest voices from our College.

Directing Hamlet in this format has been a dream come true. This play has always been my favourite, its profound exploration of the human psyche resonating deeply with me. To bring it to life in such an innovative and atmospheric way, leveraging the architectural beauty and history of our school, has been an incredible journey. Our students have risen to the occasion with remarkable dedication and passion, embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with this unconventional staging.

Our promenade theatre format invites you to move with the action, experiencing the story from multiple perspectives and in various settings within our historic building.
Welcome to our promenade production of Hamlet, an immersive theatrical experience that transforms our school’s historic building into the enigmatic world of Elsinore. This unique setting, with its echoing hallways, grand staircases, and hidden corners, provides the perfect backdrop for Shakespeare’s haunting masterpiece. As we guide you through this tale of betrayal, revenge, and existential reflection, you will find yourself not just a spectator but a part of the unfolding drama.

This dynamic approach not only enhances the storytelling but also brings a new level of engagement and immediacy to the play. The evocative use of multimedia elements and the haunting melodies of our school choir further enrich the atmosphere, creating a multisensory experience that heightens the emotional impact of the production.

As the director, my aim has always been to cultivate a space where our students can explore their artistic potential, take bold creative risks, and grow as performers. I am immensely proud of what we have accomplished together. This production of Hamlet is a testament to their talent, hard work, and passion for the arts. I hope this experience leaves a lasting impression on them, as it surely will on all of us who have been part of this extraordinary journey.

Thank you for joining us in this innovative retelling of Hamlet. Your presence and support are invaluable to us. We invite you to immerse yourself in the world we have created, to feel the pulse of the story, and to witness the magic of Shakespeare as interpreted by our dedicated and talented students.

Enjoy the performance!

Warmest regards,

Mr Jonathan Dickson – Director of Performing Arts

Our mission is to inspire, encourage and enable every one of our pupils to change the world by fulfilling their role in it.