

The College is extremely proud of its Catholic heritage and richly diverse history, educating young people with respect, dignity and compassion.


Catholic Ethos

At St Bede’s College, our Catholic ethos serves as the foundation for our commitment to intellectual curiosity, education for the future, work ethic, creativity, and community.

We believe that placing Christ at the center of all our endeavors fosters intellectual curiosity among our students. Through Mass, retreats and daily prayer, we encourage exploration and deep understanding of spiritual matters, nurturing a curiosity that extends to all areas of knowledge.

Our College motto, Numquam Otio Torpebat—Never rest in idleness—embodies our dedication to education for the future. Rooted in our Catholic ethos, we challenge students to develop their talents and strive for excellence, preparing them for a future guided by faith, knowledge, and service to others.

Inspired by the teachings of St Bede and Cardinal Vaughan, our Catholic ethos instills a strong work ethic in our students. We encourage them to find purpose and meaning in everything they do, fostering diligence, dedication, and a commitment to excellence.

Creativity is celebrated within our Catholic ethos as we recognize the unique talents and gifts of each student. Inspired by the belief that every individual is made in the image of God, we encourage students to express themselves creatively, whether through academic pursuits, artistic endeavors, or acts of service to the community.

Our Catholic ethos emphasizes the importance of community, fostering a supportive, nurturing, and prayerful environment where every member is valued. We teach students to see themselves and each other as integral parts of the body of Christ, promoting empathy, compassion, and a sense of belonging.

In summary, our faith inspires us to understand the true meaning of freedom, our capacity to love, God, others and ourselves, looking to be a positive gift to all. We are free when we owe ourselves and our actions taking responsibility for the consequences of what we do and how we do it.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care at St Bede’s is designed to allow students from 3-18 to grow in self-confidence and self- worth as happy, healthy and fulfilled young people.

We acknowledge the shared role that teachers and parents or carers play in this vital task. Across the age range, form tutors know their tutees and the challenges they face and are always happy to support when personal circumstances encroach on school life.

In the Senior part of the College a dedicated team of Heads of Year manage a team of tutors, while in the Sixth Form a Head of Sixth Form and a Deputy Head do the same. They encourage pupils to be polite, to show honesty and initiative and to be the best people they can be. Rewards and sanctions give structure and help us to create an atmosphere of respect but also of ambition.

From the earliest years of the Prep to the Sixth Form leavers at eighteen we never forget the faith that has been shown in us as teachers by the families who entrust their children to our care. We constantly strive to instil the values in our young people, that have underpinned the College for well over a century.

Pupil Wellbeing
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