St. Bede’s College Prep
150th Anniversary Assisted Places
Welcome to St Bede’s College and thank you for your interest in our College.
To celebrate the 150th anniversary of St. Bede’s College, we are delighted to say “Thank you to Manchester” by offering a limited number of financially assisted bursary places in our Prep School. These exceptional opportunities will be awarded to Roman Catholic children in Years 3 to 6 who successfully secure a place through our admissions and assessment process. Eligible applicants must come from families with salary of less than ninety thousand pounds per year. We encourage all interested families to engage with this initiative, which reflects our commitment to inclusivity and community support.
Stage 1 Registering your child
Stage 2 Bursary application
Stage 3 2 reference requests from current school and parish priest
Stage 4 Assessment Day
Stage 5 Interview with Headteacher, Mrs Kemp, and Head of Prep, Mrs Hunt