
Bede’s News 23 November 2018

23 Nov, 2018 | Bede's News

This year St Bede’s College are taking part in the Shoe Box Appeal for Salford Loaves and Fishes. Each person who goes to the drop in centre on Christmas day will be given this box of simple items to those in most need of our support, who without us, would not get a Christmas present […]

This year St Bede’s College are taking part in the Shoe Box Appeal for Salford Loaves and Fishes. Each person who goes to the drop in centre on Christmas day will be given this box of simple items to those in most need of our support, who without us, would not get a Christmas present on Christmas day.

The box needs to be wrapped in Christmas paper and filled with everyday items. These must be completed by Friday 14 December and need to stay open so that we can make sure they are evenly filled.

Each form class is putting together a box, however individual families are invited to fill their own box to donate under our Christmas tree. If your company is able to donate any of the items we would be delighted to accept them.

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