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Archie Achieves Gold Badge for Positive Points

18 Apr, 2024 | Blog

Upper Third Archie is the first pupil in the College to achieve the coveted Gold badge for positive points! Archie and Mrs J Ward, Head of Upper Third sat down for a chat to discuss his excellent achievements.

How to achieve the Gold Badge for positive points?

Archie, congratulations on the Gold badge for positive points! How does it feel to be the first pupil this year to receive this award?

I only found out in the Celebration Assembly before half-term as I hit Gold that morning. My mum checks the app at home and when she saw the Gold award she said well done and keep it up!

What do you think contributed most to your positive points?

Mostly from good homework. We get points every time we play a football game. I have Maths after breaktime and you get points for arriving quickly from the yard. My form tutor Mr Morgan awards them when we take part in PSMEE and our form receives Head of Year postcards for being the best singers in hymn practice.

Mrs J Ward: Pupils receive positive points for participating in cocurricular activities; what clubs have you been a part of this year and how have they contributed to your school life?

I liked playing in the football cup games, we were in two different cups and got to the national semi-finals. I received College colours in the Celebration Assembly. You get the College Colours badge for commitment to the team by always turning up to training and games. I did Hockey in Autumn too and now that it is Summer I’m doing cricket and athletics.

Mrs J Ward: Another way many pupils often receive a boost in positive points is by being voted Bedian Ambassador by their peers. Which virtue were you voted ambassador for?

I was voted the friendship ambassador for helping my friends and looking after new students who joined the College later in the year. In form time we stand up at the front of the room and share all the ways we have lived the virtue for that month, then we vote as a group who deserves it.

What advice would you give to any pupils trying to achieve their next ClassCharts badge?

Get involved in clubs and do co-curricular activities after school. And always do homework on time because teachers give positives for good homework.

Do you think you might be the first pupil to ever achieve the Platinum badge for positive points?

I would like it but I think it’ll be hard to achieve because it is a very high number!

Well done Archie for being an inspirational pupil and good luck to all the other pupils who are nearing their next Classcharts award.

Mrs J Ward, Head of Upper Third

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