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Fr Alvaro, our new priest at St. Bede’s

30 Nov, 2023 | Blog

Alvaro Tintore Espuny arrived at St. Bede's at the beginning of this academic year. In this letter of introduction, he tells us more about his origins and the story of his vocation to the priesthood.

Two weeks ago, I visited a church in the centre of Manchester. One of the church volunteers, upon seeing an unfamiliar priest, approached to inquire about me and asked what I was doing in Manchester. I told him that I was the new chaplain at St Bede’s College. “St Bede’s in Whalley Range?” he asked. When I nodded, he exclaimed, “St Bede’s. A lot of respect!” (conveying high esteem or regard, in this case, for the history and position of this educational institution in Manchester). This encounter helped me understand how much this school has meant and continues to mean for Catholicism in this city, and the great honour and responsibility of my new ministry.

In September of this year, I joined St Bede’s as the school chaplain. I had been ordained a priest in Rome just over two years ago. Until then, I served as a chaplain at a student residence in London while collaborating with the parish of Santo Tomás Moore in Swiss Cottage, London.

Previously, I had studied law at the Esade Business School in Barcelona. In 2001, after graduating in law, I secured an internship at a law firm in Manchester. The experience fascinated me, and I decided to look for work in England. A year later, I moved to London, where I began working at another law firm. In 2005, I started working at a student residence in London, Netherhall House. It was there that I began to discern my possible vocation to the priesthood. It is true that the vocation to the priesthood came naturally as part of my desire to be an instrument of Christ and His Church.

Fr. Alvaro

Since I was ordained a priest, it is not uncommon for people to ask me about the reasons that led me to take this path and follow this vocation. It is challenging to answer that question in a single sentence, but if the interlocutor is curious enough, I end up giving two reasons. Firstly, the strong desire to spread the message of Christ, the good news to all people. When I was 15, a friend told me about a particular country in Asia where the faith couldn’t expand due to a lack of individuals dedicated to evangelization. It was something that impressed me. I felt that God was calling me more intimately to dedicate myself to His service. I believe it was the beginning of my vocation. The second reason was to celebrate the Holy Mass. When I assisted in Mass and removed the chalice at my school, I often had the excitement and premonition that someday I would carry the chalice as a priest. It took years for that intuition to become a reality. A late vocation, perhaps, but one that had been brewing since an early age.

Since joining St Bede’s, I have been impressed by the school’s Catholic identity and ethos, the high level of teaching and theological formation, and finally, the great enthusiasm and commitment of all teachers and staff to continue building a Catholic educational project based on character and virtue development.

As the new school chaplain, I see my significant challenge in knowing how to accompany and support the teaching staff and families in building this project together, as well as finding ways and initiatives for that identity to manifest and translate into increased religious and sacramental practice.

It has only been three months since I joined the school. They have been intense months that have given me the opportunity to meet many staff members and students. I hope in the coming months to also get to know many parents and families of the school. The great hospitality and welcome of many have made me feel part of this Bedian family from the very beginning. To continue assisting in this great project, I entrust myself to the intercession of the great Saint Bede and to your prayers.

Fr. Alvaro Tintore Espuny

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